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AdTech Reboot

52 AdTech wishes for 2021

Picture of Judy Shapiro

Judy Shapiro

Editor-in-Chief at The Trust Web Times
Picture of Judy Shapiro

Judy Shapiro

Editor-in-Chief at The Trust Web Times

In an optimistic moment, here are 52 “wishes” that all marketers would want to happen in AdTech and MarTech in 2021 (if marketers were free to say it out loud).

  1. Verification firms would actually help REDUCE fraud.
  2. Programmatic media was truly transparent.
  3. Attribution modeling was achievable without 20 engineers.
  4. GA wouldn’t be a constant “huh” in trying to reconcile the data.
  5. AdTech firms created holistic systems – not just fragmented SaaS functions.
  6. Cookie-less solutions did not resort to tracking people albeit under a different “log-in” paradigm.
  7. The concept of “scale” would wither away.
  8. The business behind CPM and CTR would be rendered irrelevant.
  9. Data would have a clear chain of custody.
  10. Social media would have a content verification layer.
  11. AdTech bros would accept that a lot of AdTech is smoke and mirrors.
  12. Digital acquisition marketing could be a repeatable and reliable process.
  13. User privacy was a real priority for AdTech firms.
  14. DSPs were in the business of delivering revenue for clients – not clicks or impressions.
  15. VCs learned how their past investments in AdTech really messed up digital marketing.
  16. VCs learn that new way forward in AdTech is around trust.
  17. Agencies became experts at technology and not passive participants (all their acquisitions notwithstanding).
  18. Agencies gave up “under the table” arbitrage deals.
  19. CRM platforms didn’t require a data engineer to untangle.
  20. Salesforce didn’t require a team of expensive engineers to keep running.
  21. “AI” was overtly and verifiably helpful and not just a selling point.
  22. Consolidation that creates better AdTech – not just bigger AdTech.
  23. Advertisers did not have to jump through hoops to do content marketing well.
  24. Ads in digital media had a strong contextual link to the web page they are on.
  25. Data security wasn’t something any advertiser has to worry about (but they do).
  26. Fraud in the digital ad supply chain was going down.
  27. Determining the percentage of fraud was discoverable.  
  28. Facebook became accountable.
  29. Facebook created a safe place for its users.
  30. Facebook understood how to prevent hate content from being spread so easily on its platform.
  31. Brands could easily audit their programmatic buys to ensure ads appeared on brand safe pages.
  32. A crystal ball on how privacy regulations will evolve in U.S. and globally.
  33. Cannabis advertising were not so so hard to execute.
  34. Google wasn’t the AdTech police, judge and jury in the management of advertisers on its ad platform.
  35. Google wasn’t so incomprehensible in enforcing its advertising policies on its platform.
  36. Cross device marketing was a real thing.
  37. Cross channel advertising was easier to coordinate between different internal marketing functional groups.
  38. Contextual ad placement lives up to its predecessor’s, Adjacency placements, reputation for delivering contextual excellence.
  39. The financial model for agencies was sustainable amidst a shift of margins to tech.
  40. The financial models for AdTech did not rely on scale ad buys that is 56% fake or undeliverable.
  41. Digital marketing was not dominated by AdTech.
  42. There was less AdTech disruption and more AdTech accountability.
  43. There was less AdTech algorithms and more balance with the artistry of marketing.
  44. Creating a welcome user experience wasn’t as hard as it is today.
  45. Content marketing that was data driven and not fraught with guesswork.
  46. Timely and productive industry standards around user privacy/ consent.
  47. Industry thought leaders who understand Adtech, marketing and agency business models.
  48. More women thought leaders in AdTech because they tend to focus on real solution to help real marketers.
  49. Personalization technology actually worked to personalize experiences in a real time intent moment.
  50. Local news and quality publishers see a major inflow of ad dollars because of their better-quality audiences.
  51.  We ditch AdTech labels and incomprehensible terms in favor of plain speak in AdTech so everyone can understand what everyone else is talking about.
  52. Ethical AdTech is not an oxymoron.

If I have my way, I would grant everyone to every one of these wishes in 2021. But if we can dream it – we can make it happen. May 2021 be as productive as 2020 was damaging.  
