Judy Shapiro

Content Marketing World

Location: Cleveland, OH USA and DigitalDate: September 28 – October 1, 2021Link: https://www.contentmarketingworld.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=cmw21&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4cOEBhDMARIsAA3XDRiBWQX4fo4SjCA9SPauLlK_ooSpKsdu5ldwQKqA7VKDOEKHZSsdrZAaAgtJEALw_wcB Focus: Over 100 sessions, workshops, and industry forums presented by the leading

AdTech topic trends: January 2021

Here’s what’s on Marketers’ minds. Topic Trends from January 1 – January 31; Volume 1 | Edition 2 Nothing prepared the nation for what was

The marketing attribution wars.

Marketers of all sizes are waging pitched battles trying to understand the ROI of their campaigns. Winning this war requires simplicity to carry the day.

Marketing Artificial intelligence Conference

Location: Virtual Date: Sept. 13 -14, 2021Link: https://www.marketingaiinstitute.com/events/marketing-artificial-intelligence-conference Focus: MAICON is the one event you need to learn more about marketing artificial intelligence. We are bringing