A Stranger In A Strange Ad Tech Land.
As published in Ad Age I think I may be the loneliest woman working in ad tech today. This post is my virtual version of
As published in Ad Age I think I may be the loneliest woman working in ad tech today. This post is my virtual version of
As published in Entrepreneur It’s no secret that marketers are struggling to adapt to a tech-heavy, algorithmic-driven marketing landscape. Adapt or die is what technologists tell
I am more of a consensus builder rather than “burn the house down” type of change agenct. Yet, in the space of a few weeks
Our Digital Lives Have Evolved — So Must Trust As published in Ad Age I can see some (maybe lots) of you scratching your heads
Many Internet standards body have tried to create the technical expression of trust in our online activities. From the W3C and ICANN to Blockchain, translating
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